12:00 -12:50 | Conference Room

Book presenation Senna, Le Verità with author Franco Nugnes

Thirty years have passed since that tragic May 1, 1994. And time does not seem to have passed. The memory of Ayrton Senna is still alive, intact.
The memory of “Magic” is also transmitted to the new generations of F1 fans who could not see him in action because they were not even born, a myth that was built on the track with extraordinary feats that led him to win three world titles. And who knows where he might have gone if that peg had not broken at the Tamburello corner during the San Marino GP. […]
This book does not seek sensational new truths, but tries to line up the facts of an incredible story that still has some unanswered questions. The journalist who had followed a dangerous and dogged investigation for “Autosprint” at the time, three decades later returns to speak with all the protagonists of that affair that mobilized worldwide media attention to reconstruct, in a sort of game of mirrors, a tragedy. In the testimony of those who lived it, the greatness of a champion who defied fate emerges. Life and death chasing each other along the track…